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Manthorpe near Bourne
Manthorpe by Bourne, Bowthorpe Oak
Manthorpe by Bourne, Bowthorpe Oak
Manthorpe by Bourne, Bowthorpe Oak

The Bowthorpe Oak has the largest girth, and probably the greatest age of any oak tree in Britain. In the 18th century, the hollow trunk was fitted with benches and it was claimed that 'twenty people have dined in it with ease'.

The tree stands in a field close to Bowthorpe Park Farm near Manthorpe (3 miles south-west of Bourne) and is said to be over 1000 years old.

See: 40 Special Trees of Lincolnshire: The Lincs Tree Awareness Group.

Undated postcard

Manthorpe By Bourne, oak tree, Bowthorpe,